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파커보트 5월 공지 (홍보/구매상담중)

Parker 낚시보트/파커보트새소식

by 요트보트코리아 2021. 5. 23. 06:56








요트보트코리아에서 알려드립니다.


파커보트 회사에서 이번 코로나 팬더믹 현상으로


파커보트 생산 차질로 인하여 각국 딜러와


고객들에게 불편을 드려서 죄송하다고 합니다.



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7~8개월정도의 납품시간이 소요됩니다.



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고객께서는 사전에 아래 연락처로 상담을


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파커보트 2021년 풀옵션 국내판매가격 소개(홍보)


▶▶▶ https://blog.naver.com/oldsalt/222141073072


파커보트 2021년 풀옵션 국내판매가격 소개(홍보)

요트보트코리아 2021년 파커보트 풀옵션 국내판매가격을 공지합니다. (2021년 파커보트 국내판매가격은 202...



파커보트 신모델 특별할인 수입 이벤트 소개(홍보/선착순/진행중)


▶▶▶ https://blog.daum.net/gillkorea/2855


파커보트 신모델 특별할인 수입 이벤트 소개(홍보/선착순/진행중)

요트보트코리아에서는 파커보트 신모델로 출시한 760QUSET & 790EX 풀옵션 보트를 한국에 첫 로운칭을 위해 고객 여러분에게 선착순 각 1척씩 파격적인 특별할인 수입가격으로 제공해드립니다. 202




24시간 카톡상담 ID : hobiekorea


상담 연락처 : 010-9699-2063


Parker Boats team would like to address the extended production dates for Parker Boats, that a lot our Customers have experienced during this season. 


This year has been very difficult for most boat manufacturers and this includes Parker. 

Due to COVID related absences and supply shortages we are facing extreme delays in our supply chain, which have a very negative impact on our production schedule. 


As any other manufacturing, boat production process greatly relies on scheduled deliveries of multiple materials and products, e.g. GRP, stainless steel, wood, electrical and electronic components and engines. 


Any disturbance of this supply chain will result in disruptions of general production schedule. 

Unfortunately, this year we have to face constant supply problems, which add up to an overall production lag. 


For example, majority of plastic-based product are delivered with multi-week delay, GRP components deliveries are not only delayed, but also highly unpredictable. 


Overall styrene shortages on the market create additional delivery slowdown for styrene related materials and products. Some stainless steel components haven’t been delivered since last year and that is just to name a few. 


Moreover, this year marine industry has been facing nearly catastrophic engine supply problems. 

Our yearly allotment has been greatly decreased, due to an overall shortage of engines on the market. 


In the event, where we receive only a part of expected quantity, we are not able to provide engines for all of the boats in previously anticipated timeframe. 


In addition to supply issues, we also suffer from high rate of COVID related employee absences. During first two quarters of 2021 the absence rate was as high as 30-40% on some of our production lines. 


Under these conditions we are not able to maintain our usual production capacity. 

We are aware that some of You may be concerned by overlong delivery dates, but let me assure You, that we are determined to deliver all the ordered Boats. 


Parker team works tirelessly on improving this less than ideal situation until all of the Boats will be shipped to their new owners. 


Unfortunately, most of the circumstances are not dependant on us, but even so we continuously work with our suppliers on rescue plans, which should stabilize and gradually improve the production schedule. 


For those Customers, who do not want to wait or cannot wait and wish to cancel their order, whilst we very much regret this, we do understand and we will accept such cancellations and we will immediately refund any down payment. 


Obviously, that is something, that neither us nor the Customers look forward to, but as always we would like to have a fair and transparent cooperation with our Dealers and Customers. 


Parker Boats would like to apologize for occurred situation and any inconvenience, that it caused. We believe, that throughout two decades of Parker brand being present on the market, we gave our Customers and Dealers a lot of reasons to trust us and we strongly believe, that shortly everything will be back to normal and all of our Customers will be able to enjoy their new Parker Boat! Parker Boats Team.



파커보트 본사에서 메일로 온 내용


24시간 카톡상담 ID : hobiekorea

상담 연락처 : 010-9699-2063






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